How it works for

Law Enforcement Agencies

Reach all of your followers with every new case, update and outcome!

  1. Step One
    • Crime Crushing was designed exclusively for law enforcement agencies and Crime Stoppers programs by a currently serving Canadian police officer.
    • Easily post content using one of our many custom templates in a step-by-step process.
    • Our case management system, modelled in part off systems used by law enforcement agencies, makes it simple to find a posted case to provide an update or outcome.
  2. Image description
    • Crime Crushing does not receive tips. Our 'Submit Tip' button links to your anonymous reporting methods.
    • Every time you update a case or provide an outcome, your followers are notified.
  3. Image description
    • Crime Crushing efficiently keeps your community informed.
    • We also provide a safe way for people in your community to assist you by sharing your content to help reach those who have the answers.
    • There are 3 main ways to use Crime Crushing effectively:
      • Post 2-4 cases a day.
      • Share these cases to your other social media channels.
      • Encourage your community members to sign up and follow you on Crime Crushing.

The Basics of Crime Crushing

  • Earn Investigation Experience Points or 'IXP' for doing a certain task on Crime Crushing.
  • Earn 50 IXP per case, once a day for every case you review. You can return the next day and earn 50 IXP for each case once again.
  • Each case has an IXP value associated to it based on the seriousness of it.
  • When you share a case to social media (sharing the link or creating your own unique content) you earn the IXP value associated to it.
  • When a case is closed that you have shared to social media, you once again earn the IXP value associated to that case.
  • A new case can be shared to social media every 1 minute to earn IXP.
  • Follow Law Enforcement Agencies and Crime Stoppers programs of interest to you to receive a notification every time they post a new case.
  • Finally, recruit people to join your Investigation Team. You will earn 2000 for every new sign-up and 25 IXP for every case they help solve.

Help solve crime and missing person cases in your community today!

Community Member Sign-up